“He who has saved one life, is regarded as if he saved the entire mankind”

- Al Quraan -

The Saaberie Chishty Ambulance Service is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) which aspires to help better the community and provide a professional Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to the less fortunate within Region G , Southern Suburb’s of Johannesburg Lenasia and surrounding areas.

In keeping with this aspiration, the society comprises of many divisions with one division in particular being noted as an invaluable asset to the community irrespective of religion, race, location or language.

Some 29 years ago, the Saaberie Chishty Society made a commitment to themselves, and to the community of Lenasia, to provide a much needed emergency medical service. The Society relentlessly fought against all odds during the apartheid regime to make this commitment a reality. This perseverance paid off with the formation of the Saaberie Chishty Ambulance Services.

What started out as a small community ambulance is now a 24 Hour fully operational ambulance service with 3 Ambulances manned by 11 qualified paramedics and administration staff.

Since inception the ambulance service has grown from strength to strength allowing the Society to extend the emergency medical services to areas such as Eldorado Park, Lehae, Zakkariyya Park, Lenasia South, Ennerdale as well as the neighbouring informal settlements.

In access of 250 distress calls are attended to on a monthly basis with a large percentage of these calls rendered to the destitute and needy.

You too can make a difference,
Your Donation can help save a life.

Established in 1988

Situated at:

Saaberie Chishty Centre, Cnr Oak and Gum Crescent, Extension 6, Lenasia

Monthly Calls on Average:

400, of which 80% of calls are destitute cases requiring funding to cover costs.

Source of Funding:

Since the sector’s inception the Society has embarked on numerous ventures to source this service. These ventures ranged from stage shows, concerts, an annual bazaar, the latest a banquet.

Reason for Establishment:

This service has been rendered since the inception of this sector against the backdrop of the Apartheid era when Health and Emergency Services were offered on an inequitable basis. During this era, areas such as Lenasia, Lenasia South, Eldorado Park, Ennerdale, Informal Settlements and other surrounding areas received little or no medical facilities.



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