“The best amongst you is he who learns the Quraan and teachers it to others”

- Al Hadeeth -

An Institute for Higher Islamic Learning

The need for such an institute in Lenasia was identified as a critical one if we are to succeed in preserving the religious heritage of our forefathers. Renovations were made to the living quarters of the Masjid staff so as to accommodate a minimum of twenty four learners and educators.

The society caters for the full time students in the sense that 3 meals are provided everyday with 2 tea breaks in between. The lessons provided are Hifz class, inter alia, Naath classes. The Building complex that houses the Uloom consists of classrooms, living quarters, a kitchen, bathrooms and toilets.

South African standard boarding and lodging facilities are provided on premises for both learners and educators.

Alhamdullillah, many learners have graduated from the Hifz division who also lead the congregation in Taraweeh Salaah during the month of Ramadaan in various Masaajids.

Make a difference,
Donate towards running the Zia-ul-Uloom

Established in:


Number of Staff:

2 Educators, 2 Cleaners, 1 Chef.

Situated at:

Cnr. Oak and Gum Crescent, Extension 6, Lenasia

Reason for Establishment:

This division has solely being created to provide extended Islamic knowledge Muslim youth of South Africa.

Source of Funding:

The source of funding comes from donations in addition to fees.


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