- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is reported to have said: -

“The Best gift any father can offer his child is good education”

Introduction To Saaberie Chishty Dawah Centre

Saaberie Chishty Dawah Centre is a division of Saaberie Chishty Society and has been established as an entity to provide community services into previously disadvantages areas at zero cost. The entity came into existence in January 2008 in response to a request from the local leaders and the community of Orange Farm. The centre was initially established for the purpose of providing Islamic based education and a daily feeding scheme for school children.

In July 2008, the centre moved location from a rented shack to a 4000 m2 property that has been designated for community development. The centre has since expanded to provide the following routine services at no cost to ALL members of the local community:-

  • A 7 day a week feeding scheme for ~400 children and adults living in abject poverty
  • A secular preschool led by Professional Staff for two grades of learners. Includes their feedings and school uniforms.
  • A distribution centre for basic food supplies to those in extreme poverty 
  • A free Muslim funeral and burial service
  • Sport and activity facilities for children on Saturday and Sundays 
  • Twice a week adult classes for male and female
  • Supplementary learning in Mathematics, science and English on Saturdays for Grade 6, 7 and 8 learners  
  • An Islamic church and education facility for local Muslims 
  • A Scholarship program for outstanding achievers to study at local boarding schools across South Africa 
  • A monthly family day that forms a platform for dialogue for community and religious matters 
  • Annual winter warm 500 blankets distributions to the local community
  • Celebration of Eedul Fitri and Eedul-Adha  with the local community 

From time to time, the centre also assists locals by distributing of grocery hampers, new and used clothing and household items, blankets etc. The funding for the centre is secured by volunteers and members of Saaberie Chishty Society.

Modus Operandi Of Saaberie Chishty Dawah Centre

Saaberie Chishty Society, like with many of its other endeavors, seeks to weave itself into the social fabric of the societies within which it operates. The centre in Orange Farm has been no different. It is a centre that is operated by the local residents under broad guidelines set by the parent organization. This management philosophy has been adopted as it allows locals to assume ownership for the activities of the centre and it results in a stronger emotional attachment between locals and the centre. The centre is run on a day to day basis by locals that take responsibilities for the various departments of the Dawah Centre.  

Progress And Milestones

The following bullets provides an indication of the progress since the inception of this entity

  • January 2008 – start operation in a rented space of 40m2
  • January 2008 – Daily feeding scheme for all people living in abject poverty
  • July 2008 – commence construction of a larger premises due to increased enrolment
  • October 2008 – official opening of the centre
  • January 2009 – commence preschool facility with professional staff
  • June 2009 – construction of a Multi-purpose Hall for daily feeding & family days
  • May 2010 – additional 4 teaching rooms and new preschool classes
  • July 2010 – Onsite free funeral and burial facility
  • October 2010 – Dedicated learning facility for adult education
  • October 2010 – Subsidized vegetable garden project for unemployed residents
  • September 2011 – Introduction of a Scholarship program for outstanding achievers
  • March 2012 – Construction of brick and plaster boundary walls around the centre
  • January 2014 – Collaboration with selected Islamic based boarding schools to enable female admission
  • October 2014 – Launch of 2 year Adult female madressah under guidance of female Aalimas
  • January 2015 – Introduction of a hifz program at the centre
  • April 2015 – Saaberie Chishty enrolls at local radio station (Lesedi) for an Islamic program
  • November 2015 – Collaboration with Uloom to enable female learners to enroll for full time aalima progam
  • February 2016- introduction of micro sewing business opportunity to our adult females
  • March 2016-launch a 2 year adult male program under the guidance of a male Aalim
  • January 2017-introduction of monthly Dawah day sessions with our local community
  • March 2017- youth leadership camp
  • May 2017- introduction of Qurbani to the local community
  • June 2017- proposal to the government for building a Musjid, preschool, madrassa classes, muezzin and imam quarters
  • January 2018- appeal for building and waiting feedback from the government
  • June 2018- fundraiser at ITV, for building purposes
  • September 2018- graduation of one staff member at BMT college in Human resource and office admin
  • February 2019- preparation of building the Musjid and pouring the foundation
  • June 2019- enrolment of 2 Aalim with IFRI on comparative religion studies
  • December 2019- distribution of musk, sanitizer and hampers to children and adults during covid19 pandemic error
  • January 2020- feeding 500 children and adults
  • February 2020- introduction of chess to madrassa learners
  • March 2021-mentor and coaching programs for the community during covid19
  • June 2021- introduction of adult male dialogue on socio economic factors, gender base violence, child abuse and drug abuse in orange farm
  • September 2021 – introduction of annual soccer tournament
  • January 2022-intoduction of mathematics and science tuitions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after Islamic classes
  • January 2022- Enrolment of 1 preschool staff with South West Gauteng College in EDUCARE
  • February 2022- recruitment of 2 additional Islamic teachers
  • March 2022- WITS university graduation of a male boarding learner in Medical science
  • March 2022- WITS university graduation of a female boarding school learner in environmental science
  • 16 June 2022- madrassa annual graduation ceremony
  • June 2022- completion of a teaching degree with UNISA from 1 Aalima
  • July 2022- review of building project and completion of surveys
  • December 2022- 14th annual preschool graduation ceremony
  • January 2023- Review building feedback from government and finalizing on building stages
  • March 2023- sending out appeal for building and preparing for Ramadan

Staff Establishment

A total of 12 full time staff is in employment with the centre. Details are tabulated below. All staff are full time registered employees and performance of individuals is managed through formal performance agreements.

No Name Designation Overview of Portfolio of Work
1 Sheikh sulyman Head Priest & Teacher Islamic advisory to local Muslims
Leading daily prayers
Basic Islamic education classes for males
Teaching learners in Islamic school
Basic adult education for females
2 Sheick Bilal Cooper Teacher & Office Administration Mathematics tuition tutor
Assist with “life skill” training for children
Office administration
Teaching learners in the Islamic school
3 Sheikh Noor Cook Preparation of daily meals for children
Inventory management
Resident preacher
Overall maintenance and housekeeping of the cetre
4 Yusuf Asikimu Administrator for Preschool & supervisor for the Dawah Centre Organize workshop for staff members
Management of Preschool
Engagement with department & schools on syllabus and requirements
Performance review of learners
Teaching learners in Islamic school
Offer social sessions to the community
Mentor and coach boarding school learners
5 Zenele Grade R Teacher – Preschool Phase coordinator
Teaching preschool learners
Assessment of preschool learners
6 Hawa Female Teacher Islamic advisory to local Muslims
Teaching learners in Islamic school
7 Iris Sihali Grade RR Preschool Teacher Phase Coordinator
Teaching preschool learners
Assessment of preschool learners
8 Ali Magotla General Assistant General maintenance of centre
Cleaning of classrooms & facilities
9 Yusuf Mokoena Assistant cook Preparation of daily meals for children
General cleaning of the kitchen
Distribution of food to the community members
10 Apa latifa Chilimba Professional teacher (UNISA graduate), Islamic teacher and Saturday tuition monitor Teaches female adult , madrassa learners and community members
Conduct secular tuitions
Islamic advisory to female Muslims
Mentor and coach learners, staff and females
Conduct teaching workshops to staff and local community
11 Shanaz Chefane Islamic teacher Teaching learners at an Islamic school
12 Amina Mukarate Islamic teacher Teaching learners at an Islamic school

Calendar Of Events

Month of Year Activity
January Registration of Learners
Graduation Ceremony for learners in Islamic school
February Kick-off Saturday classes in Mathematics and English
March First term examination
Performance review and staff adjustments
Financial year end and submission to auditors
May Distribution of blankets to all locals. (~5000 units)
Distribution of selected winter clothes to children
June Half year examinations
Strategy meeting and offsite with staff and planning
July Consultation with business leaders for scholarship bursaries
August Excursion of preschool children
Providing food hampers to locals during the month of Fasting
September Parent consultation for preschool
Leadership camp for teenage learners
October Third term examination
Selection of participants to scholarship program
Consult business leaders to sponsor school uniform for poor families
November Final year examinations
Distribution of groceries to the local community
December Graduation for Preschool Learners
Final prayer and end of year celebration
Negotiation and planning for starting the new year

Make a difference,
Donate towards running the Dawah Centre

Established in:

20th January 2008

Number of Staff:

12 Educators

Situated at:

7073 Drieziek 3, Orange farm

Reason for Establishment:

This division has solely being created to supply sound Islamic knowledge to the Muslim youth. It is a centre in which propagation of the Deen of Islam takes place daily.


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